Learning & Integrating the Meaning of Human Rights
in Our Lives for the Future of Humanity - Closing the Dignity Gap! –
eradicating poverty
Closing the gap of unfulfilled
dignity is the most important initiative/challenge for the 21st century, for
all women and men, youth and children, to learn, know and own human
rights as a way of life so as to plan and carry out their lives guided by the
holistic, comprehensive, interconnected and interrelated world view of human
rights. In a way, human rights
are a secular “religion”, gives strength and richness to all cultures and
religions… to all human hopes and aspirations...-- to break through the vicious
cycle of humiliation. --Away from POVERTY,
POWER, FEAR and GREED. -- We must make human rights a counter-power to achieve
full equality for all without any discrimination; to arrive at meaningful
economic and social transformations; adopting positive creative choices.
With such knowledge as mentors, women stand to give real power
to human rights; learning to identify the difference between symptoms and causes
of inequality .—creating new realities.
by the extraordinary vision and practical roadmap suggested by the human rights
framework and applying it to our own ways of life, women –as mentors and organizers
will gain real and meaningful equality!! Shining the light on the new journey we should
first embark on eradicating poverty, We as women, nurturing a
new future by re-imagining, re-casting and re-defining the ultimate meaning our
the most important challenge for humanity in the 21st Century is the learning
and integration of the promise and dream of human rights as a way of life.. --belonging in society, in dignity and in community
with others. We must recognize the humanity of others as our own. We must
recognize women as full human beings with undeniable human rights, and for women
to lead the discussions.
must redirect our ways to effectively move horizontally to reach new horizons,
achieving new dreams, new hopes, using an altogether new language, knowing that
food, education, housing, healthcare and work at liveable wages are our
inalienable human rights. No one can
take it away from us!!
The Universal Declaration of Human
Rights is indeed the most important promise for the 21st century; we must learn
and mentor others to live by it de-facto, celebrating our dignity and genuine
equality wherever and whoever we are. We must never again exchange our equality
for survival and abide by the injustices some call ‘justice, to belong in
dignity, in community with others, women and men alike. --whatever life form we
choose to abide by...--whatever historic
memories guide our desires...--whatever culture gives us a sense of security
and belonging!!.
rights close all gaps of unfulfilled dignity. Human rights are about inclusion;
they extricate exclusion and provide a meaningful way to overcome poverty by
and for the people who learn to claim irrevocably their human rights...--
knowing that poverty is an unacceptable, egregious human rights violation. . Learning about human
rights as a relevant to our daily lives is the most important initiative for
the multitudes in the 21st century. For millions to own, act and plan guided by
the human rights framework is the way to go. This calls for an intense and
ongoing process of learning for moving from charity to dignity .Whoever
we are, we must build trust and respect and design a new future with full
equality is at its center.
We have no other option!!
Human rights learning
must become a never ending ongoing process. People analyze how their own lives affect the lives
of others and work to close all gaps of unfulfilled dignity. In this process we reinvent our lives as we
choose it to be. --Adding a new link to our past and to our historic memory.
--Raising human rights to the level of a true way of life and self empowerment.
No one should be left
behind. We women --half of humanity --an acknowledged source of moral authority—need
to assume the day-to-day mentoring of others towards integrating the holistic
vision and practical mission of human rights as a world view, the absolute
truth to guide to life. A covenant must be made, one that assures that the
sanctity of life will never be desecrated or stepped on.
This step-by-step process
of women mentoring communities is a sure way to acknowledge and achieve
equality!! --women and men learning to participate
as equals in the decisions that determine our future, guided by human rights
as a way of life.
It is indeed the most forward-looking
initiative of the 21st century.
Join us in this effort. The future
is in our hands! .
Shulamith Koenig – Founding President