Tuesday, January 12, 2016


There is a sacred space held inside
from the time when we are little.
 When we are finally ready to wake up,
as we grow up, 

we get to take a look within. 
If we are really ready to see
the beauty that is there, 

we can bring it with us.
This is a blessed journey.
 Our inner world begins a conscious journey into our outer world. Eventually over time and with astonishment…
and intimacy with the details
 there is an integration
between the two worlds. 

An experience
of coming home to ourselves.
 This is the day
we are all waiting for
even though
 we might not know that is what we have been seeking all along. We didn’t forget who we are,
and we aren’t just remembering
lost selves.
 We are becoming ourselves.
This take time. And intention.
 Once we are awakened, we feel everything, often too much.
This awakeness at times is wearisome. 

But when we use our gifts of creativity and self expression we learn to navigate the space
of so much sensation.
 Then, there is a quiet joy that begins
to emerge, to rise up.
 This quiet joy will carry us through the deepest waters. This buoyancy isn’t something we earn, but something we learn. Grace comes. Gratitude comes.
We come to life!
By Shiloh Sophia

www. wunrn.com

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