Monday, March 18, 2019

Recommendations in relation to work, social protection and care economy 2/5

Recommendations in relation to work, social protection and care economy

  • It is necessary to generate affirmative action policies in a progressive nature to reduce labor segmentation.
  • Countries have to establish the value produced by each job in order to demand equal salary for equal work of equal value, according to the convene 100 of ILO with the methodology to eliminate the gender bias.
  • Advance in integral and universal systems of care, education and health that reach women of formal, informal and unpaid work, recognizing the trade unions participation and the collective negotiations.
  • Promote the participation of more women in decision-making spaces and in the design of public policies, specifically those related to social protection, recognizing the right to free association.
  • Guarantee universal and non-targeted support for families who have young children.
  • Ensure the Right to pension, universal inclusion: social security and minimum retirement with access to healthcare.
  • Intra-gender gaps: Prioritize coverage’ extension for maternity leave, with criteria of universality. Prioritize the expansion of the number of people covered over the months of leave.
  • Incorporate special licenses that assist women who suffer from violence and protocols of action and priority in housing and labour policies. Support the adoption of the ILO Convention and Recommendation on violence and harassment at work place.
  • Eliminate legal and cultural barriers for informal and self-employed workers for access to universal social protection, especially in the cases of domestic workers, temporary migrants, sex workers / women in prostitution and other sectors.
  • Incorporate the portability of rights for access to social protection for migrants, that is, recognition among countries of their qualification, work and contributions made on each country.
  • That the States require companies that work with outsourced work platforms, including those working with virtual platforms and catalog sales (Uber, Avon, Natura) to comply with national labor, business and fiscal regulations, consistent with the agreements international organizations, especially the ILO.
  • Equalize the birth and care licenses for men and women, same-sex couples, including the LGTBI population, in conditions of obligation for each other.
  • In considering the years of service to access retirement, include weeks quoted for women according to the number of children.
  • Generate law reforms in civil codes to recognize the division of goods to the person who has been responsible for the care and that such person be compensated in the dissolution of the conjugal partnership.
  • Eliminate the formal, legal and cultural barriers in informal work that prevent self-employed and informal workers from accessing social protection, including indigenous and afro descendants.
  • As long as the gender-based wage gap persists, promote affirmative actions of a progressive nature to compensate wage discrimination, for example, establish a rate of return to define the retirement amount for women, which is greater than that of men.

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