Saturday, January 31, 2015


Gender inequality derives from social and cultural socialization processes. In patriarchal societies, girls and women are classified (not always consciously) as less valuable, less strong, economically less attractive, not suitable for public leadership roles, needing protection and control, etc.. Other aspects of identity, such as (dis)ability, HIV status, sexual orientation, race, class, caste, and religion interrelate with people’s biological sex and this can result in multiple forms of discrimination.
 This patriarchal, exclusive ideology is the main cause of the violation of the women’s right to equality. We recognize that for the reasons listed above women often belong to the most marginalized groups and are denied access to resources, justice, and power. We believe that when women and girls face discrimination and injustice, it is both a cause and a result of the inequality that drives poverty. Therefore, we focus on transformative leadership that advances women’s participation, leadership, and rights. 

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