Friday, February 19, 2016

The education of minority, indigenous and migrant children 6/9

25. The “sense of dignity - cultural identity - diversity” triptych to be found in several international instruments is one of the basic objectives of education, whose purpose is not only to transmit knowledge. A person’s sense of dignity depends on the acquisition of “cultural identity”, defined as “a set of cultural values by which persons or groups define themselves, express themselves and wish to be recognized; cultural identity implies freedoms inherent in personal dignity and combines cultural diversity, the specific and the universal, and memory and project in a constantly evolving process”. The education and cultural identity of a group are thus closely related and any prejudice leading to discrimination or intolerance is a violation of a person’s integrity. The right to education is thus particularly significant for ethnic, linguistic and/or religious minorities as a means of safeguarding their cultural identity and protecting themselves from various kinds of discrimination. International instruments recognize that these minorities have specific rights, whose exercise is nevertheless subject to certain conditions, the basic reason for which is that the social cohesion and unity of the State should not be disrupted. (Specific obligations)$FILE/G0113802.pdf

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