According to CEDAW, the Russian
Federation is obliged to take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination
against women by any person, organization or enterprise (article 2 (e)) and to take all appropriate
measures, including legislation, to modify or abolish existing laws,
regulations, customs and practices which constitute discrimination against women (article 2 (f)).
The Convention also requires that
the state modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of men and women,
with a view to achieving the elimination of prejudices and customary and all
other practices which are based on the idea of the inferiority or the
superiority of either of the sexes or on stereotyped roles for men and women
(article 5 (a)).
Article 16 (1) of the Convention
obliges the states to take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination
against women in all matters relating to marriage and family relations.
Scale of the problem
Statistical data on crimes of
domestic violence against women is fragmental and difficult to obtain. At the
same time according to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affaires
women were 74% among of all victims of domestic violence in 2013, and in 91% of
cases violence was committed by a husband.
Lack of knowledge and understanding
of women’s human rights and system of response contributes to impunity for
crimes committed against women. According to ANNA statistics (2014), 72% of
women that turned to the National help line for women suffering from domestic
violence never sought help from the police. Of those women who did 80% were
unsatisfied with police response.
System of response
the work done to combat violence against women in Russia over the last 20
years, a systemic approach at government level does not exist. We are deeply
concerned by the high level of violence against women in families, by the
number of murdered women and by the latency of sexual violence.
Agencies involved in the response to
domestic violence in Russia are police, social services, judges and healthcare
services are currently the main entry point for survivors of domestic violence
into the state response system. According to the data of the Ministry of Labour
and Social Protection, in 2013 there were 1,333 social services providing
assistance to women in a “difficult life situation”. Domestic violence is
included in this category. However, the
concept of a "social services" establishment includes not only
specialized crisis centres and social shelters, but rather a wide
range of agencies: social assistance centres for family and children;
centres for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the
population; centres for emergency telephone psychological
assistance; social rehabilitation centres for juveniles, etc. Thus, there
are a vast variety of social problems addressed through these agencies where
services for women victims of violence are only a small part. Indeed only 42
are shelters that offer specialized assistance to women who are victims of
domestic violence. Some of these combine the extension of assistance to
victims of domestic violence with helping other categories of women like
underage mothers. Another obstacle in access to services is that in order
to get a place at a shelter women have to be residents of that region.
Main obstacles in decreasing violence
Lack of legal protection
Another important agency
in the state system of response to domestic violence cases is police. However, in
Russia under the existing legislation it is difficult to prosecute cases of
domestic violence (even physical violence, which has ensuing visible evidence).
Currently domestic
violence is not recognized as a separate offence by the Russian Criminal Code.
The only applicable criminal provisions are those relating to bodily injuries
or other crimes. Thus, acts of violence
against women in the family, like any violent crime against a person, are
punishable under Part VII of the Russian Criminal Code (crimes against the
Article 112 (intentional causing of average gravity harm to health);
Article 115 (intentional causing of minor harm to health);
Article 116 (beating);
Article 119 (threat of homicide or of causing grave harm to health)
None of the
above-mentioned articles takes into consideration the relationship between a
perpetrator and a victim.
Repeated acts of
violence against the same person are not specifically criminalized under
Russian law. Article 18 of the Russian Criminal Code excludes "records of
convictions for intentional crimes of small gravity" or of conditional
sentences to be taken into account when considering recidivism of crimes. Only
Article 117 of the Russian Criminal Code (torture, the causing of physical or
mental suffering by means of the systematic infliction of beatings or other
forcible actions) takes into consideration the following aggravating
circumstances: the victim is a minor, apparently helpless "or materially
or otherwise dependent on the guilty person". However, this article is
rarely invoked. The justice system considers violence committed in a public
place against a stranger, to be a much greater social danger than the same
actions committed within a family against relatives.
Thus, domestic violence is not considered to be
a crime against society, but continues to be treated as a private family
The main obstacle to obtaining justice for
victims is that most cases of domestic violence are brought as private
This report is prepared by a group of experts under leadership of “ANNA” Centre for the Prevention of Violence. The Report covers areas of concern in regards to women’s rights especially violence against women with assessment of the state system of tackling violent incidents against women, hence the emphasis in the report on the analysis of the current law and practice.
The monitoring was conducted in Russia in 2010—2015. The monitoring results do not claim to be comprehensive; however, they do provide a general assessment of the situation, identify key problems and trends, evaluate the steps taken to resolve them and analyse existing obstacles. The list of violent incidents contained in the report is neither exhaustive nor representative; however it is a vivid illustration of the nature and scope of violence committed against women in Russia.
Drawing by Violeta Doval