Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Girls and women who are better educated are less likely to contract and spread HIV/AIDS because they have more knowledge about how it is contracted and practice safer sex. For that reason, girls'
education is often called the “social vaccine.”
The same is true for malaria.

If all young adults completed primary education, we could expect 700,000 fewer new cases of HIV
infections each year, or 7 million in a decade.
As for malaria, if all mothers completed a secondary education the odds that children would carry malaria parasites would be 36 percent lower.

*Bruns, Barbara, Alain Mingat, and Ramahatra Rakotoma- lala. 2003. Achieving Universal Primary Education by 2015: A Chance for Every Child. Washington: World Bank.
- Global Campaign for Education. 2004. Learning to Survive: How Education for all would save millions of young people from HIV/AIDS. Oxford, U.K.: Oxfam International
-UNESCO. 2014a. Gender Summary: Teaching and Learning—Achieving Quality for All—EFA Global Monitor ing Report 2013/4. Paris: UNESCO

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