Saturday, July 8, 2017

Other relevant legal measures to address violence against women 3/15

14. Several States referred to other domestic legal provisions, including on victim compensation, assistance and protection. In some States, such provisions were part of more comprehensive laws to address forms of violence against women.

15. Under the Austrian code of criminal procedure, victims were entitled to claim compensation for any damage caused by a criminal act or reimbursement for the infringement upon their rights protected by the penal code, as well as to psychosocial and legal trial assistance.

 16. In Chile, the Family Violence Act aimed to prevent, punish and eradicate domestic violence, as well as to provide protection for the victims (also economic violence was included in the definition). Similar national legislation on the issue of violence against women was also enacted in Japan (Act on the prevention of spousal violence and the protection of victims) and Italy (Act on measures against violence in family relationships).

 17. China referred to special legislation, including the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests and the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Minors, which provided special protection for women.
18. Mexico reported on its General Law on Access of Women to a Life Free of Violence, which provided for a quasi-judicial procedure to declare an “alert of gender-based violence” that entailed a number of emergency measures by the government to counter violence against women and guarantee the safety of victims in a determinate part of the country.

19. In Pakistan, financial and legal assistance was available to women in detention or women facing extreme hardship, according with an amendment made in 2011 to the Women in Distress and Detention Fund Act of 1996.

20. In 2013, Saudi Arabia passed the Protection from Abuse Law, which outlawed all forms of abuse against all vulnerable social groups, particularly women and children, and established national mechanisms to provide protection to such groups.

21. In Slovenia, the Family Violence Prevention Act was enacted in 2008, defining types of family violence, the tasks and cooperation of State authorities and  non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in dealing with family violence and protection measures for victims of family violence. It also provided for permanent professional education of all those dealing with violence and a multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of victims.

 22. Spain provided extensive information on its Law 1/2004, which established protection measures against gender violence, such as awareness-raising, prevention and detection. It recognized the rights of women victims of gender violence  (articles 17-28), provided for the creation of institutional bodies and collaboration plans, criminal protection and the creation of special courts on the issue of violence against women, measures on judicial protection and the safety of victims and the creation of comprehensive forensic units.

23. In Turkey, Law No. 6284 on the Protection of Family and Prevention of Violence against Women of 2012 and its implementing regulation of 2013 prescribed a number of protective measures, including provision of shelter for the victim upon the approval of the prefecture, provision of temporary financial assistance, provision of counselling, provision of temporary physical protection, changing of workplace by judicial decision, changing of place of residence, banishment of the perpetrator of violence from the common residence shared with the victim, and ordering the perpetrator to refrain from approaching the victim.

24. In the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Code of Practice for Victims of Crime entered into force on 10 December 2013, providing victims of crime with clear entitlements from criminal justice agencies and services tailored to individual needs, including those of children and young people. A bill for Wales was expected to be introduced in June 2014 to address violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence in a coordinated and coherent manner, focusing on prevention, protection and support. The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill reformed civil orders to manage sex offenders.

25. Draft laws currently under consideration in the State of Palestine, would improve the protection of families against violence and create a Palestinian legal aid fund, to guarantee access to justice and a fair trial for all, including for persons with limited income and from marginalized sectors of society, particularly women

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