Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Defend the Rights of Saudi Arabian Women

Target: Prince Muhammad bin Nayef Al Saud, Saudi Arabian Minister of InteriorGoal: Stop the electronic tracking of womenWomen in Saudi Arabia are not allowed to drive. They are not allowed to travel alone unless they have the express permission of a male guardian. The oppression of Saudi Arabian women has now gone a step further—they are being electronically monitored, tracked so they cannot move across borders...
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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fight against Female Genital Mutilation wins UN backing

Fight against Female Genital Mutilation wins UN backing The adoption today of a resolution against female genital mutilation (FGM) in the UN General Assembly’s human rights committee is a major boost to civil society organizations fighting for an end to the abusive practice, Amnesty International said. This is the first time the Assembly’s Third Committee, which addresses social, humanitarian and...
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Friday, November 23, 2012

We express our disappointment in the decision of the ASEAN leaders

STATEMENT ON THE ADOPTION OF THE ASEAN HUMAN RIGHTS DECLARATION 21 November 2012 ASEAN Heads of State and Government c/o ASEAN Secretariat International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific (IWRAW Asia Pacific)[1] wishes to express its disappointment in the decision of the ASEAN leaders to proceed with the adoption of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration on 18 November 2012 despite the numerous...
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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Please take action to Nasrin Sotoudeh, and distribute this appeal widely to your networks

What a relief ...Nasrin after 49 days broke her hungerstrike ..let's hope she'll recover soonest and regain her strength; she'll need itIranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh has been on a hunger strike since the morning of 17 October. She was transferred to solitary confinement in Section 209 of Tehran’s Evin Prison, which is under the control of the Ministry of Intelligence, on 4 November 2012. However,...
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