Friday, February 21, 2014

Closing the Dignity Gap! – eradicating poverty

Learning & Integrating the Meaning of Human Rights in Our Lives for the Future of Humanity - Closing the Dignity Gap! – eradicating poverty             Closing the gap of unfulfilled dignity is the most important initiative/challenge for the 21st century, for all women and men, youth and children, to learn, know and own human rights as a way...
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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Call for endorsement of this Feminist Declaration by February 25

La Declaración feminista, de la Reunión de Estrategia Feminista de organizaciones a mediados de febrero, presiona por un modelo de desarrollo que funcione para las mujeres y las niñas de todas las edades e identidades. Este modelo debe estar firmemente arraigado en las obligaciones internacionales de derechos humanos, la no regresión y la realización progresiva. Para ello es necesario revisar el paradigma actual...
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Monday, February 10, 2014

RISE, RELEASE, DANCE, and demand JUSTICE! On 14 February 2014

Last year, on 14 February 2013, one billion people in 207 countries rose and danced to demand an end to violence against women and girls.On 14 February 2014, we are escalating our efforts, calling on women and men everywhere to RISE, RELEASE, DANCE, and demand JUSTICE!ONE BILLION RISING FOR JUSTICE is a global call to women survivors of violence and those who love them to gather safely in community outside...
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Monday, February 3, 2014

Patriarchy Is an Institution to Be Outlawed

By Kamla Bhasin In early December 2013 I received a call from Swaraj, a Karnataka wide network of women’s groups, fighting against violence and all forms of discrimination against women, to invite me for a function to felicitate six rural women who have challenged the oppression of widows in their families and villages. They asked me to speak on Patriarchy as a Superstition. I was amused by this...
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