Saturday, January 31, 2015


Gender inequality derives from social and cultural socialization processes. In patriarchal societies, girls and women are classified (not always consciously) as less valuable, less strong, economically less attractive, not suitable for public leadership roles, needing protection and control, etc.. Other aspects of identity, such as (dis)ability, HIV status, sexual orientation, race, class, caste, and religion...
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Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Working towards gender justice means:

1. Challenging and changing existing structures, institutions, practices, customs, norms, values, attitudes, and beliefs where these are barriers to the achievement of women’s rights and the rights of all people, regardless of gender or sexual identity. This requires the promotion of agency : possessing the power and knowledge to be able to claim one’s rights. 2. Ensuring the accountability of the institutions...
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Thursday, January 22, 2015


The high rate of rape and other forms of sexual violence in South Africa has sparked concern and outrage, leading to law reform, parliamentary debates, marches and campaigns. It has also led to a range of policy interventions intended to reduce the number of people who fall victim to these crimes. This policy brief summarises available information about the nature and extent of sexual violence in South...
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Sunday, January 18, 2015

For the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy on family businesses in Europe

DRAFT OPINION of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality for the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy on family businesses in Europe SUGGESTIONS The Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality calls on the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, as the committee responsible, to incorporate the following suggestions in its motion for a resolution: A. whereas there is a growing...
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Friday, January 16, 2015


 During the first cycle of UPR on Iran, the Islamic Republic of Iran accepted at least ten recommendations that directly address the State’s duty to protect women and girls’ right to free and informed marriage.[1] Despite its response, the Islamic Republic has failed in its commitment to implement the relevant recommendations. FACTS  Stolen Lives, Empty Classrooms: An Overview on Girl Marriages...
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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Goal, purpose, and guiding principles

The goal of the programme is to protect adolescent girls’ rights, in particular delaying age at marriage and childbearing, and empowering the most marginalized girls and elevating their status in communities. The purpose of the programme is to make targeted investments at scale in 12 countries over 5 years (2013-17) to support thousands of vulnerable girls at risk through interventions that provide opportunities...
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Monday, January 12, 2015

Opportunities for a focus on girls

Adolescence as a window of opportunity - Research shows that the essential decisions that shape the course of girls’ lives are made during adolescence. In addition, data indicate that delaying marriageand childbirth, and investing in girls’ education and their opportunities to earn income, yield high returns in terms of girls’ health, and the socioeconomic well-being of their families. For example, an...
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Friday, January 9, 2015

Challenges in girls-centered programming

Girls are left behind: Many national development frameworks fail to recognize the profound discrimination girls face and to appreciate them as valuable resource for their countries’ development. Indeed in many countries adolescence is a stage when life opens for boys yet closes for girls. Girls continue to lack the same opportunities as boys, especially in education, economic and social empowerment and...
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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Situation of adolescent girls

There are over 500 million adolescent girls currently living in developing countries. “Young people are the fastest growing segment of the population in both poor and middle income developing countries, and their welfare is fundamental to achieving key economic and social objectives - including a competitive labour force, sustained economic growth, improved governance, and vibrant civil societies. Yet...
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Monday, January 5, 2015

Egypt – Continuing Challenge of Female Genital Mutilation

Perfectly healthy parts of, sadly, many girls' genitals are still mutilated/cut by FGM because of obsession with female virginity. Egyptian government figures put the rate of female genital mutilation among women ages 15 to 49 at 91 per cent. Among teenagers 15 to 17, it is 74 per cent. Unicef estimates that of the 125 million women worldwide who have undergone genital cutting in the 29 countries where...
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Friday, January 2, 2015

Education, Science, Technology and Innovation : Transformation for All; Recommendation 9

a)      Fulfil every woman’s and girl’s right to safe, quality free education including primary, secondary, tertiary, vocational and non-formal education. b)      Promote the importance of girls’ education, providing incentives to encourage communities in vulnerable situations to send their daughters to school, and eliminate discrimination against...
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