Monday, October 30, 2017

The full cost of experiencing IPV, sexual violence, and stalking is unknown. 5/5

 One study estimates the cost of IPV to U.S. society, including health costs and productivity losses, to be $5.8 billion, including $4.2 billion for physical violence, $320 million for partner rape, and $342 million for partner stalking, in 1995 dollars.25 Converted to 2017 dollars, the cost of IPV in the United States would be $9.3 billion. Other researchers have calculated the costs of rape victims’...
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Saturday, October 28, 2017

Debt and poor credit due to financial control and exploitation restricts access to safe housing and can lead to homelessness. 4/5

 Victims of IPV, sexual assault, and stalking often incur a number of other direct costs while seeking safety and rebuilding their lives. Using data from the 2006 National Crime Victimization Survey’s Supplemental Victimization Survey, researchers found that three in 10 stalking victims accrued out-of-pocket costs, such as attorney fees, replacing or repairing damage to property, child care costs,...
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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Physical, psychological, and economic abuse often lead to job instability. 3/5

 A 2005 national telephone poll of 1,200 working adults found that 64 percent of those who identified as victims of domestic violence reported that their ability to work was affected by the violence.11 Constant distraction and fear of abuser’s intrusions at work make it difficult for victims to concentrate and perform their job duties.12 Nearly all (96 percent) of 120 employed women IPV survivors surveyed...
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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Physical and psychological trauma and partner interference impede educational attainment 2/5

 One analysis of seven waves of data collected between 1976 and 1987 from the National Youth Survey (NYS) of adolescents 11–17 years old showed that having experienced victimization as an adolescent was associated with a decline in effort put into schoolwork and poorer academic performance, even when controlling for income and other factors.6 Data from the 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a national...
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Sunday, October 22, 2017

The Economic Cost of Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking 1/5

Intimate partner violence (IPV), sexual assault, and stalking have profound economic effects on victims and survivors. The physical aspects of violence often result in significant medical costs and time off from work. The long-term psychological consequences may hinder victims’ ability to study or hold a job; in some cases, perpetrators directly sabotage their victims’ employment. Economic abuse, which...
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Friday, October 20, 2017

13 Subtle Ways Women Are Treated Differently At Work

How can you fight an enemy you can't see? That's the challenge professional women face in today's workplace. "Discrimination today is not as in your face as it was before; it's often harder to see," says Caryl Rivers, coauthor of recent book "The New Soft War On Women." "Legally, you cant say 'I'm not going to hire you or give you this assignment because you're a woman and you can't do it,' but the old...
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Wednesday, October 18, 2017

7 unique challenges homeless women face — and what you can do to help

Uncertainty, struggle and stigma are just some of the threads that knit together the shared experiences of the homeless community. But for women who are homeless, there are several unique challenges only they know: What it's like to have a period without access to supplies. What it's like to monitor your behavior due to fear of sexual assault. What it's like to be pregnant and not have the services you...
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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Costing the Economic Impact of Violence against Women in the Arab Region

Beirut, Lebanon - UN Women; The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA); the Swedish Institute in Alexandria; and the Institute for Women's Studies in the Arab World (IWSAW) at the Lebanese American University (LAU) have joined hands to launch the outcome of the first phase of a project on “Estimating the Cost of the Economic Impact of Violence against Women in the Arab Region”....
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Sunday, October 15, 2017

Emily Nasrallah: The “peasant woman” who wrote about her land and won the heart of the world

“I am a peasant woman, the daughter of villagers” says the writer Emily Nasrallah about herself. This modesty and connection to the land is one of the most evident traits one notices upon sitting down to talk with Nasrallah. But she might also point out to a cupboard, all full of books that she has authored—books that have impacted readers in Lebanon, and that have touched people from around the world....
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Saturday, October 14, 2017

Conclusion 6/6

The argument that lack of evidence or neglect of evidence can lead to ineffective anti-trafficking policies and practices is an important one made in all the papers in some way or another. But should we also look to research anti-trafficking itself? Such a focus has been suggested by some commentators already. Sverre Molland, for example, outlines the need for researchers examining human trafficking to undertake...
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Thursday, October 12, 2017

This Special Issue: Evidence and effectiveness 5/6

So far in this Editorial I have focused on some of the key issues concerning the questions to which evidence is brought to bear and how this ‘disciplines’ research in both methodology, use, interpretation and presentation of data. More recently there have been calls not only for evidence to inform policy and anti-trafficking interventions—termed ‘evidence-based policy’—but often vocal demands for evidence...
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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The Politics of Evidence 4/6

The significance of ideology in anti-trafficking efforts noted by Doezema earlier in this Editorial speaks to a broader concern that is addressed in this issue: namely the manipulation, misuse and, at worse, neglect of existing evidence altogether. In Singapore, for example, I have witnessed firsthand the ways in which film screenings and other public events by NGOs to raise awareness about human trafficking...
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Sunday, October 8, 2017

Quantity or Quality? 3/6

Beyond the need for better evidence through research, important questions remain about what kind of evidence is valued amongst the anti-trafficking community. As the above discussion suggests, the questions to which evidence is brought to bear are undeniably oriented foremost to quantification, particularly through measurement of scale and the increasing reliance on indicators to inform measurements. Whether...
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Saturday, October 7, 2017


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Friday, October 6, 2017

Better Research? 2/6

Given the recognition that meaningful evidence on human trafficking is both sparse and prone to manipulation, and that the knowledge has largely been filled by wild claims emerging from the media, NGOs and governments, amongst others, much energy has consequently been spent on attempts to better design research so it produces more meaningful data: data that can be compared, that more deeply engages with...
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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

The Politics of Evidence, Data & Research in Anti-Trafficking Work 1/6

Since the mid-2000s, critical commentators have raised concerns about both the paucity of evidence on important aspects of human trafficking, and the difficulty of obtaining meaningful data.1 Policy formations, advocacy campaigns, concrete interventions, and popular understandings of human trafficking have all had accusations of wild claims and unfounded assumptions levelled at them. Guesstimates prevail...
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Monday, October 2, 2017

The Art of Self-Love with Rita Loyd

A couple of months ago I came across some very inspiring posts on Facebook, accompanied by images of beautiful and colourful paintings. I truly loved the vibes of the genuine messages and artist Rita Loyd and I soon became friends on Facebook. I quickly began to understand that Rita’s core message and the reason why I founded Soul Love have a very similar intention – A reminder to love yourself and share...
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