Thursday, July 30, 2020

How Data Can Stop Women from Going Hungry

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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

European Observatory on Femicide (EOF)

 The European Observatory on Femicide (EOF) is a research and advocacy initiative on prevention of gender-related killings of women. From 2018-2019, the EOF had been situated within the University of Malta Faculty for Social Wellbeing Gender Studies Department. In the first two years of its establishment, the EOF’s work was coordinated by Dr Marceline Naudi and supported by an international advisory...
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Sunday, July 26, 2020


WOMEN AT THE FOREFRONT OF COVID-19 RESPONSE – CENTRAL ASIA & EUROPE Direct Link to Full 10-Page Publication: WUNRN http://www.wunrn.c...
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Friday, July 24, 2020

Harnessing Feminist Principles & Approaches to Improve Mental Health Care for Gender-Based Violence Survivors in Humanitarian Contexts

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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Israel - 8th Nordic Model Country for Prohibition of Consumption of Prostitution Services - Act Now Enforced Israel Becomes the 8th Nordic Model Country as It Implements Its Prohibition of Consumption of Prostitution Services Act WUNRN http://www.wunrn.c...
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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Urgent Action Needed to End Pandemic of Gender-Based Violence, Say Women’s Rights Experts

GENEVA (14 July 2020) – The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked a pandemic of gender-based violence and discrimination against women that requires urgent action, say UN and regional experts on violence against women and women's rights. As countries imposed lockdowns to fight the health pandemic, the world saw “dramatic increases in cases of domestic violence, including violence by intimate partners, sexual...
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Monday, July 20, 2020

EU - 2019 Human Rights & Democracy Report - Approved June 15, 2020

The report marks the final phase of implementation of the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy (2015-2019) and confirms that in 2019 the EU demonstrated once more its commitment to protect, support and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms worldwide. However, in many parts of the world, challenges remain. Human rights defenders, journalists and media workers are under threat and attack...
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Saturday, July 18, 2020

25th Anniversary – Srebrenica Memorial Day, 11 July 2020

Remembering Srebrenica: Honour Victims and Survivors by Preventing Future Atrocities, UN Experts Urge Bosnia-Srebrenica Genocide Anniversary July 11 – Women Forever Remember
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A Chinese Feminist's Reflections on the Surveillance State During the Pandemic

Direct Link to Full 6-Page 2020 Document: WUNRN WUNRN   Direct Link to Full 6-Page 2020 Document:
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Friday, July 10, 2020

In “official” discussions around climate change, the impact of the military is rarely mentioned.

Anita Wahlberg, Inger Gustavsson and Ingela Mårtensson initiated a project to ask these hard questions. Instead of grilling our planet, these women led the way in grilling those complicit with military institutions about their lack of concern for the environment. Thirty-six different organisations, authorities, political parties in Parliament and the Swedish Armed Forces received the questionnaire. The line...
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Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Down the Green Feminist Road - Path to Environmental Peace

Unfortunately, a culture of militarism is a prominent part of education in Italy and has therefore become a normalised part of life. An agreement between the Ministries of Defence and Education allows the army to visit schools and promote their build-up of arms. High school students are also able to work in army stations. Infiltrating the minds of young people at an early age...
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