Saturday, December 5, 2020

Recommendations for the U.S. Government 3/3

1. Ensure all global response and recovery efforts comply with the gender analysis and integration requirement of the Women’s Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment Actxv (Section 3(c)) by making funds immediately available and directed towards efforts including, but not limited to: a. Additional personnel and technical assistance to conduct and integrate gender analyses as defined in Sec 3(c) of the...
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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

COVID-19 and Women’s Economic Empowerment 2/3

Gender-based violence increases in emergencies, impeding women and girls from participating in economic activities. Stress and disruption caused by crises often exacerbate underlying norms that lead to gender-based violence. Sources in China, France, and elsewhere have already reported that cases of domestic violence have increased dramatically during the COVID19 crisis, particularly as a result of necessary...
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