39. In the area of education, the promotion of minority languages and, more specifically, the
right to carry on educational activities should not result in the isolation or exclusion of certain
ethnic and racial groups. The 1960 UNESCO Convention places three conditions on the exercise
of this right (see article 5, paragraph 1 (c)):
(a) It must not be “exercised in a manner which prevents the members...
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Recognition of specific rights 7/9

(i) The right to carry out educational activities
26. In many States, specific provisions, including constitutional provisions, guarantee
minorities the right to establish and maintain their own schools, standards for the operation of
which should be the same as for other schools.
27. The 1960 UNESCO Convention contains a provision especially intended for minorities:
“It is essential to recognize...
Friday, February 19, 2016
The education of minority, indigenous and migrant children 6/9

25. The “sense of dignity - cultural identity - diversity” triptych to be found in several
international instruments is one of the basic objectives of education, whose purpose is not only to
transmit knowledge. A person’s sense of dignity depends on the acquisition of “cultural
identity”, defined as “a set of cultural values by which persons or groups define themselves,
express themselves and wish to be...
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
The question of separate systems of education 5/9
20. Public schools and compulsory schooling imply that young people of different origins
attend the same schools. As a Swiss expert rightly indicates, “If children developed separately at
school, they would continue to do so later on in society and this would intensify social, cultural
and economic inequalities. Ghettos would spring up and violence would threaten social
21. In strictly...
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Compulsory education free of charge 4/9
17. Equality of opportunity and treatment establishes a positive obligation for States to set up
a system of education that is accessible to all. In the relevant international instruments and, in
particular, the 1960 UNESCO Convention, the content of this obligation is closely linked to
respect for the principle of non-discrimination and to the definition of prohibited discrimination.
Thus, while article...
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Establishment of the educational system 3/9
12. There can be no development of the culture of any person or any group and no full
enjoyment of other human rights if the person or group does not have access to the right
education or is subject to discrimination in education.8 All international instruments
unanimously agree in this regard and proclaim this right with slightly different wording, the most
common expression being that “Everyone has the...
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
11. The common feature of all international instruments dealing with education, whether as
the main subject matter or in association with human rights, is the principle of
non-discrimination. The scope of this principle varies according to the educational system in
question (sect. A) and the content of education and the objectives which education is designed to
achieve (sect. B)
A. Discrimination by action
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Zika: A Perfect Storm of Climate Change, Disease, and SRHR

February 3, 2016
The Zika virus is now “spreading explosively,” announced the World Health Organization in a statement released last week[i] and “the level of alarm is extremely high.” The most recent spate of Zika virus infections was diagnosed in April 2015 in northeastern Brazil (the previous large outbreaks were in 2007 and 2013-2014 in the Pacific islands) and a possible result[ii] of the...
Racial discrimination, religious intolerance and education 1/9
1. Wars and all forms of discrimination and intolerance are borne in the minds of men and
action should thus be taken as a matter of priority at this level more than at others. This
sentence, which is based on the preamble of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization, eloquently sums up the cause-and-effect relationship
between education, racial discrimination...
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