Tuesday, April 30, 2019

5/5 Reporting and evaluationc to Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on preventing and combating sexism

 III. Reporting and evaluation

This Recommendation asks member States to monitor progress in its implementation and to inform the competent steering committee(s) of the measures taken and progress achieved.

Reporting should be regular and include information on:

- legal and policy frameworks, measures and best practices that address sexism, sexist behaviour, gender stereotyping and sexist hate speech, in particular in public spaces, the internet and media, the workplace, the public sector, the justice, education, sport and cultural sectors, and in the private sphere, including tools for reporting sexist behaviour, as well as disciplinary processes and sanctions;

- any comprehensive policy, or policy within the framework of a national strategy on gender equality, adopted to eliminate sexism and sexist behaviour, including definitions, indicators, national monitoring and evaluation mechanisms;

- the work of any co-ordinating body established or designated to monitor implementation at the national level;

- research undertaken and supported to provide data on the incidence and consequences of sexism and sexist behaviour in the targeted areas, as well as the outcomes of any such research;

- national awareness-raising measures and campaigns undertaken at all levels, including on the media through which they were conducted.


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